Sunday, June 21, 2020

The 93 KHJ-LA Complete Boss 30 - 1971 (2020 Upgrade)

KHJ 1971 - Airchecks and Station Jingles

One of the things that made KHJ so BOSS was that they made their location-location-location seem very much like the only place to be. They sponsored a cascade of contests that were always related to their playlist's current events calendar as well as a decent amount of local commerce support. This was always decorated with a formidable flair that was all their own. But even more importantly, they never let you forget which station you were tuned into. 

BlankFrank's KHJ series is supremely special because of the insertion of many vintage airchecks and station jingles. 'AirChecks/Station Jingles' are a huge part of the radio game. KHJ certainly saw it fit to lavish sufficient budgets to aircheck/jingle creation and thus insured that the biggest possible blur was inherent to the listening experience. Station jingles set the personality pace of the station. They are the very first weapon in station vs. station competition. Airchecks and station jingles are what initially hooks the listener's attention...and, builds their confidence in the station. 

If your airchecks aren't cutting edge, how can your DJs be? Even, if you didn't like music...KHJ station jingles and airchecks were enough to make all citizens young and old aware that they were someplace special. Like icing on a cake, they serve to glamorize the station as well as the community. They help anyone who hears them fall under childlike spells that are both a friendly and familiar form of security that can be believed in. Even if it was ragged and helped make every day seem eternal. 

To be near a radio brought electricity to the landscape. Everyday life could seem like a mirage...a kaleidoscope...a Disneyland made of sound waves. Another pleasant side effect was that they reassured everybody that they were members of a community on the move. It was very nearly like the sunrise...something to count on...blending any routine into something special. Every listener could plot their own position in the community whatever the day would hold in store. In that context, KHJ was the hub of national AM radio. It happened at KHJ first, then the influence rippled everywhere else. 

KHJ's BOSS jingles were ultra-slick productions that set the premier standard for all other stations to follow. KHJ's creations gave Los Angeles its own personality and certainly, Smalltown USA couldn't help follow the best of their ability, anyway. The indirect result was that they also helped shape all other factions of modern lifestyle, as well as the foundation of industry, commerce, etc. in any area. Los Angeles was many things...and being the home of magical dreams and desires was one of them. 

Airchecks and station jingles were both the cause and the symptom. If time is an infinite piece of thread, then BOSS Radio made sure that every listener was a needle...
No cure for this one! It's never going to stop...
Or at least, that's how it seemed then.
Wide-open...and radio proved it.
-Kwai Chang

1970 to 71  Yandex    Zippy
1971 Part 1 (January-February)    Yandex    Zippy
1971 Part 2 (March-April)    Yandex    Zippy
1971 Part 3 (May-June)    Yandex    Zippy
1971 Part 4 (June-July)    Yandex    Zippy
1971 Part 5 (September-October)    Yandex    Zippy
1971 Part 6 (November-December)    Yandex    Zippy


Anonymous said...

These are so cool! Thank you! - Stinky

Anonymous said...

These are great! I've been listening to them while working. It really captures the times!

I'm wondering, the sound of some of these files will sometimes 'waver', or sound like its 'dragging' thru the tape machine. Is there a specific mp3 player that would correct these sound issues?

Cheers, and thanks for all of these Years with more to come I hope......


Kwai Chang said...

Thank you, BlankFrank!
Once again we can all enjoy something magical. 1971 really was unique in terms of the music itself. There was more and more diversity on the playing field and more and more new names. Thanks for giving it to us in an organized and authentic package. Lots of things get lost over time but you have seen to it that the magic was retained! Beautiful job!

hotrodmike said...

Can't wait to dive into these additional volumes. Thanks for putting them together.

fromnabulax said...

This a big transitional year for me. I'd already been listening to FM almost exclusively for some time, but the Boss radio scene was so wide spread that it was impossible to avoid the top 30, no matter how hard I tried.
It'll be fun reappraising these.

Chi-Town said...

And the goodies just keep coming. Many thanks for these upgrades team BF. I have a lifetime of listening pleasure now.

Aussie said...

a nice thank you from Aussie

Anonymous said...

Profuse thanks, BF! (I even looked up the dictionary to find this variation). Your efforts are, as before, greatly appreciated! The Chairman

HAAR said...

Hi friend,
This is "GOOD MUSIC FROM HAAR" in your blog list.
Because of some technical reasons ,ı had closed my blog and shall reopen it on 30th November with some innovations..
Would you please refresh my blog link as "" and blog name as "GOOD MUSIC FROM EARTH"
thanks in advance !

Mike said...

This is such a wonderful collection, all of it. I'm New England, but my wife and her sisters grew up in Reseda a few years after you. While they don't remember listening to KHJ they certainly remember the music - including the local favorites like the DeFranco Family (we did not know them on the east coast). thanks for all your passionate work on this :)

BeebBaron said...

I'd love to know what CD source was used for the mono "I Hear You Knocking" by Dave Edmunds, it sounds fantastic!

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