Monday, June 8, 2020

The 93 KHJ-LA Complete Boss 30 - 1969 (2020 Upgrade)

Kwai Chang Essay - 1969:
I have not studied the KHJ BOSS Radio history. Even so, it is easy to see the entire BOSS campaign was built on calculated slickness. And yet, in the days of early BOSS, there was a naivete to it all that was a true apex in escapism ideals. Where television ends with the program credits rolling NEVER ended. It went wherever the listener went, and thus, could serve as a cultural sextant to navigate the labyrinth of mid-60's wide open air-wave horizon. 

So, how nice it was to actually CONNECT with the mechanisms that made KHJ 'boss' in the first place. Listeners already had confidence and trust in the stable of ultra cool KHJ personalities. The KHJ DJ characterizations made Hollywood legend biographies look like 12th grade journalism. The REAL Don Steele and his staff contemporaries made it all look so fun...made it all look so easy...and it all sounded so perfect. The blur was on...full stop! Why should it have anything to do with illusion? KHJ listeners were reassured that they were part of the medium...that they were included in everything to help realize radio's full potential. The station took phone-in requests that it used to survey the general public...follow trends...and to predict the next big-thing...and, to compile their weekly surveys. This would ideally reveal the most geographically local pulse in the entire industry...that of the music city: Los Angeles! 

How cool it was to be informed by experts. How completely hip to be in the center of the action?!? To hear great music for the first time was an honorable privilege. But, that's not all! When the listener decided the music was desirable enough to purchase, many of L.A.'s retail points of sale offered the current weekly KHJ BOSS survey in printed form...'FREE'! There was no purchase required to get a survey. These were a really decorative icing on an already beautiful cake. It was something EXTRA for the effort and served many a purpose for ANYONE listening to the radio. Surely, they appear to be a gratuity for the loyal listener finally making the empirical commitment with wallet in hand. But, look closer...these were just another piece of proof that KHJ had thought long and hard about L.A. radio dominance. These surveys appealed visually with bright color and design and layout. They connected intellectually as they informed the consumer of the most updated rankings of airplay rotation. They guided speculation for anyone willing to hedge a guess on what's-next. They informed socially about the voices(KHJ DJs) being heard around the clock in Los Angeles. They could be mused over at home while playing recent purchases. 

They also served the Top-30 the same way the racing sheet serves the ponies at the track. And when the week is over, they can serve as reference. But, most importantly...they were unique, attractive advertising that would last forever no matter how fast the week went by! That's some very clever public relations from any vantage point. And, if time already flies by too fast...these little pieces of offset lithography only made it go by even faster.
The blur was on and there was no better place to live life...naivete be damned!

1968 to 69   Yandex    Zippy
1969 Part 1 (Jan-Feb)  Yandex    Zippy
1969 Part 2 (Mar-Apr)  Yandex    Zippy
1969 Part 3 (May-Jun)  Yandex    Zippy
1969 Part 4 (Jul-Aug) Yandex    Zippy
1969 Part 5 (Sep-Oct)   Yandex    Zippy
1969 Part 6 (Nov-Dec)  Yandex    Zippy

BlankFrank: 70+ songs have been upgraded and about 50 + airchecks added. I scoured everything I could from the few airchecks I had. Once again, if you have the original, delete it and take this one. This revised version fits with the rest of the series! Like others in the series, this is every single song that entered the KHJ-LA Boss  for 1969 using original (mostly) mono single mixes if they could be located. There are many original mixes that have not been heard since the singles were issued.

This is meant to be played and enjoyed. I suggest listening in your cars on long drives. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Mighty! Thank you one more time, BF, for all the effort and love you put into these collections/upgrades. The Chairman

Aussie said...

a nice big thank you from Aussie

anomia said...

Unreal, such loving care and sharing!

Chi-Town said...

Wow ! Thanks to you and your helpers BF. I can't wait to listen....


Silvio said...

Thank you for this amazing job you are doing...lucky us!! Cheers!

Noises From Apt 2A said...

BlankFrank, Thanks for this updated version of "1969". Truly appreciate your desire to make your existing collection even better ...Cheers !

Jonathan F. King said...

As much as I despised KHJ and the Boss Radio format from 1965 until whenever -- and I was listening on its very first day in L.A. -- I have to say this project is overwhelmingly great. As a collector of annual charts from various sources, I'm always looking for B-sides and mono versions ... so this is heaven. I'll drop out in the early '70s, just as I did in real life ... but I'm so grateful for these additions to my archives. And you know what? Tina Delgado is alive!

Farquhar Throckmorton III said...

Great work, Frank!

hotrodmike said...

Thanks for this add to a great series.

antony j said...

amazing! thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic project! A labor of love, as they say! Thanks for sharing it! - Stinky

LT said...

Thank you...this is the music we were listening to on WABC in New York at the time...great to be able to revisit this music--especially in such abundance & quality--which was so vital then it seemed like it would never recede into the dusty past. Recede it did, but your amazing work is a worthy reincarnation. Thank you.

LonChes said...


Sean Roper said...

I’m still listening to 1966! Thanks for such attention to detail. Know that it is appreciated.

Roger Fox said...

This is truly unrealistic and amazing work. Thanks for sharing!

Kevin In Choconut Center said...

This is simply amazing. Thank you for all the hard work that went into it.

JLManrique said...

I am reching you thanks to Quintin´s commentary in
Tkamk you for your offer, fresh and interesting

Anonymous said...

Another amazing chapter.
You deserve a medal and a stiff gin and tonic.
Big thanks from the UK.

Maxonum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sillybro said...

wonderful project. So enjoyable. Much gratitude.

sillybro said...

It would be great to compare playlists from other cities for these years.

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